
SVS Control Module Serial Commands


Starting with firmware version 1.12 the SVS supports serial commands to control various functions of the switch remotely. Currently this is possible through USB using the built in serial chip in the SVS Control Module. You will need to connect the SVS to a USB host such as a computer or Raspberry Pi and open the COM port with the settings listed below. The valid serial commands are listed in the table below. More commands will be added in the future as Control Module functionality expands.

COM Port Settings

Speed Data Bits Parity Stop Bits
9600 Baud 8 N 1

Serial Commands (Minimum Firmware Version 1.12)

Command Function
SVS_Input_Up Cycles up by one input
SVS_Input_Down Cycles down by one input
SVS_Change_Input_"#" Changes the input to a specific number. Example: SVS_Change_Input_3 switches to the 3rd input module*

Serial Commands (Minimum Firmware Version 1.13)

Command Function
SVS_Manual_ON Turns “manual mode” on deactivates the standard autodetection routine keeping the current input selected regardless of signal presence
SVS_Manual_OFF Turns “manual mode” off allowing the standard autodetection routine to resume after a manual input selection
SVS_RGB_Comp_ON Turns on RGB to Component conversion for the current input (Requires “RGB to Component Conversion Module”)
SVS_RGB_Comp_OFF Turns off RGB to Component conversion for the current input (Requires “RGB to Component Conversion Module”)

Serial Commands (Minimum Firmware Version 1.14)

Command Function
SVS_Power_ON Wake SVS Control Module from standby
SVS_Power_OFF Place SVS Control Module into standby mode
SVS_Attract_ON Turns on “Attract Mode”
SVS_Attract_OFF Turns off “Attract Mode”
SVS_Input_Seek_Up Seeks for the next active input number
SVS_Input_Seek_Down Seeks for the previous active input number

*Input numbers higher than the total number of available input modules will default to the highest available input number.